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If you can’t make to our church, then … Please join 

 Next Online Service Every Sunday @03:00 PM via Zoom

You’re most welcome to connect via Facebook and YouTube too.

It is a special day! Join us with your family!!!

When is our Next Event?


Pastor Thomas Franklin
United Kingdom

Date and Time

Every Sunday
Time: 03:00 P.M


El-Shaddai Glorious Church
(Live Sunday Service via Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube)

Fellowship Meeting

Due to the current pandemic all service(Events) will be telecast via zoom. Please join us via Zoom.

A little help:

How can I join?

1. Download the Zoom Cloud App from the store in your mobile / laptop and install it.
2. You will need a camera in your Laptop or PC to enable us to see you or else use the app on your mobile.


What should I Do Next?

3. Please mute yourself unless you have a role to do and mute again.
4. Off the video to avoid use of high bandwidth.
5. Keep you mobile / laptop full charged or connected to a charger and connect via WiFi (if available) for excellent connectivity.


What you shouldn’t be doing?

6. DO NOT CLICK ON PAST INVITATION LINKS. Those are EXPIRED links and you will not be able to see anything. A fresh invitation link will be sent every time few minutes before the Service.

7. Do not share the invitation link with those who are not our Church members. You should let us know the admin to add in your guest.

8. Do keep body movements minimal or switch off your video mode if required.


What’s the good practice?

9. Please connect at least 5 minutes before the session so that there are no technical glitches in connecting and disturbance to others.
10. You should login with your name and not by your device name or initials. Any such logins observed will be disconnected from the session.
11. Family members should not sit in the same room if using their personal mobile / laptop to avoid echoing of the audio output. Share only one device if all gather in a room or go into a separate room.
12. Be appropriately dressed and not over dressed for the meeting.
13. Place your mobile on a mobile stand to avoid movements.
14. If you are the main speaker, use a headset or earphones for voice clarity.
15. Face a light source and do not have the light source behind you, such as a door, window or a table lamp. This will shade out your image on the screen.
16. Participants to join meeting with audio and video enabled. After greetings and pleasantries are exchanged, mute yourself by tapping the main screen of your mobile and click mute button. This will prevent any background noise from your end, activating your image on main screen during the meeting.
17. If you are not going to speak for long periods during the meeting and you are in a listening mode, it is recommended to deactivate video and mute audio. This will save you on your mobile bill. It will also release bandwidth for the zoom session and improve clarity.

18. Towards the end of the speaker session, you may activate video for Q&A time. Remember to keep audio on mute if you are not the one asking the question. Unmute audio, ask your question and after your question is answered, press mute audio.
19. If you wish to leave the meeting midway, use the ‘Leave Meeting’ button. Zoom will not be deactivated by swiping out the Zoom screen on your mobile.
20. Meeting session terminates for all participants when the host ends the meeting.

Join us for this online event and be a blessing!!!